Catholic Character Team

Last Friday our Catholic Character team including Julia Toma, Kirdan Tofilau, Mikayla Bishop, Kace Fata Tolai, Alex Single, Roma Fa’amausili-Mckenzie and Libby Duncan went to St Thomas More Church to learn more about what a leader is and how we can show leadership in our school as well as learning how to perform a liturgy.

To understand what leadership meant we looked into leaders like Pope Francis, Cardinal John Dew, and members of the clergy by researching and identifying what makes them good leaders.

The catholic character team then went on to split into four different groups. Prayers of the faithful, liturgical dancing, proclaiming the word and dramatizing the gospel (specifically the last supper).

Overall we learned many things about how to be a leader and what sort of attitude we should have towards organising things like liturgies and events for our school!


Tuakana - Pedal Ready!


Tamariki Tuakana's Video