Learning Spaces
We learn in three teams:
Tamariki Pōtiki
Ruma Rimu ~ Learners in New Entrants & Year 1
Ruma Miro ~ Learners in Year 2 & 3
Tamariki Tēina
Ruma Kauri ~ Learners in Year 5 & 6
Ruma Kahikatea ~ Learners in Year 4 & 5
Ruma Manuka ~ Breakout space
Tamariki Tuakana
Ruma Wharangi ~ Break-out space for indepedent learners in Year 4 - 6
Ruma Rātā and Ruma Totara ~ combined learning space for learners in Year 7 & 8
Break-out spaces
Ruma Kowhai
Art room. Each class has a weekly art lesson with Miss Gina!
The Sanctuary
Outdoor learning space for all children to use
The Pavillion
Cottage for small group learning, food technology projects, meetings, and out of school care